Cows line up at Mugrage Hay & Cattle outside Delta Junction, Alaska. (Erin McKinstry / July 2019)
Alaska Berries owner Brian Olson walks through his berry farm. He uses the berries to make wine and other products.
Lynn Mayo picks vegetables at Spinach Creek Farm outside of Fairbanks, Alaska.
Rita Jo Schoultz looks out on her peony field near Homer, Alaska. She says she had the first commercial peony field in the state.
Mike Emers shows a marijuana plant at Rosie Creek Farm outside of Fairbanks, Alaska.
Kevin Irvin of Sundog Orchards had his best apple season ever thanks to the warm weather in summer 2019.
Tenley Nelson of Wood Frog Farm in Strelna, Alaska, grows cabbage to sell, give away and put away for her family for the winter.
Pete & Lynn Mayo sell vegetables at the Tanana Valley Farmer’s Market.
Foundroot sources seeds from non-GMO, open-pollinated seed companies. They also grow their own seeds. All of their seeds are bred for northern climates.
Sally Boisvert picks raspberries at her farm outside of Haines, Alaska. Her two children accompany her on a tour of Four Winds Farm. (Erin McKinstry / August 2019)
Freshly harvested summer squash and zucchini at Four Winds Farm.
Buckets of winter squash at Four Winds Farm.
Sally Boisvert and her son walk through a field of cover crops at Four Winds Farm.
Sally Boisvert and her infant son walk through a high tunnel filled with tomatoes and other vegetables at Four Winds Farm.
Sally Boisvert’s two-year-old daughter shows off her onion scepter at Four Winds Farm.
The view from the upstairs of Sally Boisvert’s greenhouse at Four Winds Farm in Mosquito Lake, AK.
Leah Wagner holds up recently harvested beans at Foundroot’s farm in Haines, Alaska.
A bean on the vine at Foundroot’s farm in Haines, Alaska.
Leah Wagner stands next to her newly installed irrigation system at her farm in Haines, Alaska. Her company Foundroot sells seeds and produce. (Erin McKinstry / August 2019)
Jars of seeds at Foundroot, an open-pollinated seed company.
Garlic sits on a rack to dry in Foundroot’s workspace in Haines, Alaska.